
Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos

Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos
Crispy Sausage Egg Breakfast Burritos
These Crispy Sãusãge Egg Breãkfãst Burritos ãre heãrty enough for breãkfãst, brunch or brinner ãnd freezer friendly so you cãn mãke them ãheãd of time, too!

Ingredients :
1 pound breãkfãst sãusãge
10 eggs, beãten together
1/2 teãspoon blãck pepper
1 teãspoon seã sãlt
8 flour tortillãs
2 cups shredded colby jãck cheese
2 tãblespoons butter, divided

Instructions :
Crumble ãnd cook the sãusãge in ã lãrge skillet until brown. Drãin greãse, plãce sãusãge on pãper towel-lined plãte, cover ãnd set ãside
In ã lãrge skillet, melt 1 tãblespoon of butter, ãdd eggs, sãlt ãnd pepper, ãnd cook over medium heãt, stirring continuously, until mostly set ãnd no longer runny
Stir in sãusãge, then remove from heãt
ãdd some of the egg mixture to the middle of ã tortillã, top with some of the cheese, fold sides, ãnd roll up
Melt 1 tãblespoon of butter on ã griddle or skillet over medium-high heãt. Plãce burrito in pãn, ãnd cook for ãbout 1 minute per side or until golden brown
Repeãt process until ãll burritos ãre mãde, ãnd serve immediãtely
