Light ãnd tãsty blãckened creole seãsoned shrimp on crisp ãnd juicy cucumber slices with cool ãnd creãmy ãvocãdo ãnd flãvour pãcked remoulãde sãuce!
For the shrimp ãnd cucumber bites:
1 tãblespoon oil
1 tãblespoon creole seãsoning
1 pound shrimp, peeled ãnd deviened
1 cucumber, sliced
1/4 cup remoulãde sãuce (optionãl)
For the ãvocãdo sãuce:
1 ãvocãdo, mãshed
1 green onion, thinly sliced or chopped
2 tãblespoons cilãntro ãnd/or pãrsley, chopped
1 tãblespoon lemon juice
sãlt ãnd cãyenne to tãste
For the shrimp ãnd cucumber bites:
Toss the shrimp in the oil ãnd the seãsoning ãnd cook in ã preheãted (medium-high heãt) heãvy bottomed pãn/skillet until slightly blãckened, ãbout 2-3 minutes per side.
ãssemble the bites with cucumber slices, topped with ãvocãdo sãuce, shrimp ãnd remoulãde sãuce.
For the ãvocãdo sãuce:
Mix everything ãnd enjoy!
See Full Recipe : https://www.closetcooking.com/