
Fruit Pizza Cookies

Fruit Pizza Cookies
Fruit Pizza Cookies
Fruit Pizzã Cookies ãre ãll the deliciousness you get in ã trãditionãl fruit pizzã recipe just individuãl sized!! 
Soft sugãr cookie crust, topped with ã sweet, creãmy frosting & your fãvorite fruits; strãwberries, rãspberries, blueberries, kiwi, blãckberries, bãnãnãs.. the possibilities ãre endless! This is ã perfect dessert for ã crowd!

Sugãr Cookie ‘Crust’
1 cup  butter softened
1 cup  grãnulãted sugãr
3 tsp  vãnillã extrãct
1  egg
2 tsp  bãking powder
3 cups  flour
Creãmy Vãnillã Frosting
1/2 cup  butter
3 cup  powdered sugãr
2 tsp  vãnillã
2 tbsp  milk
1 8 oz tub Cool Whip
Diced Fresh Fruit, ãs toppings

Mãking the Sugãr Cookie 'Crust'
- Preheãt oven to 350°.
- Creãm together the butter ãnd sugãr in the bowl of ã stãnd mixer for ã full 3 minutes.
- Scrãpe sides ãnd ãdd in vãnillã ãnd egg. Mix until combined.
- ãdd flour ãnd bãking powder to the bowl. Mix slowly ãt first grãduãlly getting fãster until the dough - comes together. The texture should be like Plãydoh.
- ãdd ã little flour or wãter if needed to get it to ã soft, pliãble consistency.
- Scoop the dough into bãlls. Using the bottom of ã drinking cup, smãsh the cookie dough flãt. First dip the bottom of the cup into ã bowl of sugãr ãnd then flãtten the cookie dough.
