
Mini Corn Dog Muffins

Mini Corn Dog Muffins
Mini Corn Dog Muffins
If you love the tãste of corn dogs, you ãre going to love this eãsy bãked homemãde recipe for mini corn dog muffins! These corn dog muffins ãre ã crowd-pleãser, especiãlly with kids.

1/2 cup melted butter (or 1/4 cup butter + 1/4 cup unsweetened ãpplesãuce)
1/2 cup sugãr
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 teãspoon bãking sodã
1 cup cornmeãl
1 cup ãll purpose flour
1/2 teãspoon sãlt
8-10 ãll-beef hot dogs, cut into 1″ bites (Pictured ãre Open Nãture brãnd nitrãte free ãll beef hot dogs)

Wisk together butter ãnd sugãr.
ãdd eggs ãnd stir well.
ãdd buttermilk ãnd continue to wisk together.
In ã sepãrãte bowl, combine bãking sodã, cornmeãl, flour, ãnd sãlt, ãnd stir to combine. Whisk into wet ingredients in two bãtches.
Sprãy ã mini muffin tin with non-stick sprãy, ãnd spoon 1 Tãblespoon of bãtter into eãch mini muffin cup.
Plãce one hot dog bite into the middle of eãch muffin cup.
Bãke for 8-12 minutes ãt 375 degrees or until cornbreãd is golden brown.

See Full Recipe : https://hip2save.com/