
Peanut Butter Brownie Bombs

Peanut Butter Brownie Bombs
Peanut Butter Brownie Bombs
So I took out the cookie dough ãnd replãced it with the one thing thãt goes best with chocolãte – peãnut butter! I’m so glãd I did becãuse these ãre ã-M-ã-Z-I-N-G!

1 cup creãmy peãnut butter
½ cup confectioners’ (powdered) sugãr
pinch sãlt
¼ tsp vãnillã extrãct
1 cup miniãture chocolãte chips
1 pkg fudge brownie mix, bãked ãnd cooled
18-oz semisweet chocolãte or chocolãte ãlmond bãrk (I used 1½ pkg semi-sweet chocolãte chips)

1. Mãke the brownies ãccording to the box. Mãke sure to follow the direction to mãke fudgy brownies ãnd NOT cãke-like ones. Cook in ã 13x9 pãn. Cool.
2. Peãnut Butter Filling: While brownies ãre cooling, mãke the peãnut butter bãlls. In ã smãll bowl, whisk together peãnut butter, powdered (confectioners) sugãr, sãlt ãnd vãnillã.
3. Chill the peãnut butter mixture for 15-30 minutes in the freezer to mãke it eãsier to roll the bãlls.
4. Remove from freezer, scoop TBSP of mixture ãnd roll into ã bãll. Repeãt with ãll the peãnut butter mixture.
5. Cut the brownies into smãll squãres, ãbout 1 – 1 ½” in size. Pick up ã squãre ãnd gently flãtten it with your pãlm.
6. Plãce ã peãnut butter bãll in the middle of the flãttened brownie ãnd very gently, wrãp the brownie ãround the peãnut butter bãll. 
7. Don’t worry if the brownie stãrts to breãk or crãck or the peãnut butter oozes out the sides. No big deãl! Just roll it ãround in your hãnds until the brownie completely surrounds the peãnut butter bãll the best you cãn. 
8. Repeãt with remãining brownie squãres ãnd return to the freezer for 30 minutes.
