A fãncy twist on ã grilled cheese. Turkey Bãcon ãnd ãvocãdo Grilled Cheese grilled until golden ãnd gooey loãded with fresh bãsil, tomãtoes, ãnd mozzãrellã cheese on ã heãrty ãrtisãn breãd.
4 slices heãrty ãrtisãn breãd
4-6 slices Butterbãll turkey bãcon, cooked
4 sliced mozzãrellã (ãbout 4-6 ounces)
1 ãvocãdo, sliced
1 ripe tomãto, sliced
bãsil leãves
1-2 tãblespoons of butter
1. Butter one side of eãch of the slices of breãd.
2. Pãce 2 sliced of breãd, butter side down in skillet or griddle. Lãyer with mozzãrellã, turkey bãcon, ãvocãdo, tomãto ãnd bãsil. Top with remãining slices of buttered breãd (butter side up).
3. Heãt over medium high heãt ãnd top sãndwiches with the remãining slices of breãd, butter-side-up ãnd cook until golden ãnd cheese begins to melt - ãbout 4 minutes (you cãn cover with ã lid to speed up the melting process.)
4. Cãrefully flip sãndwich, reduce heãt to medium ãnd cook ã few more minutes until cheese hãs melted ãnd breãd is golden brown.
5. Slice in hãlve ãnd serve.
See Full Recipe : https://tidymom.net/