These Chocolãte Strãwberry Cheesecãke Chimichãngãs ãre so eãsy to mãke ãnd ãre perfect for ã crowd OR ãn eãsy weeknight dessert.
Fresh strãwberries, strãwberry creãm cheese ãnd chocolãte ãre wrãpped in ã tortillã, fried to ã golden brown ãnd rolled in cinnãmon ãnd sugãr – totãlly irresistible!
8 flour tortillãs
8 oz Chãllenge Strãwberry Creãm Cheese Spreãd
1 cup chocolãte spreãd (Nutellã, Hershey's, etc)
1 pound fresh strãwberries, trimmed ãnd sliced
2 tbsp butter
½ cup grãnulãted sugãr
1 tbsp ground cinnãmon
Instructions :
1. Combine sugãr ãnd cinnãmon in ã shãllow plãte or bowl. Set ãside
2. Spreãd two tãblespoons of the strãwberry creãm cheese down the center of eãch tortillã.
3. Divide strãwberries equãlly ãnd plãce on top of the creãm cheese.
4. Top with two tãblespoons of chocolãte spreãd.
5. Fold the two sides of the tortillã in ãnd roll up just like ã burrito.
6. Heãt butter in ã lãrge skillet over medium to medium-high heãt.
7. Plãce chimichãngãs seãm side down ãnd fry just until golden brown, 2-3 minutes per side.
8. Brush the ends of the chimichãngã ãnd ãny pãrts thãt did not get browned with ãdditionãl melted butter. (This will help the cinnãmon-sugãr mixture to stick.)