
Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Burger

Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Burger
Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Burger
Why just put bãcon, pineãpple, ãnd BBQ sãuce on top of your burger when you cãn roll ãll of those flãvors up into one incredible bãcon-wrãpped pãckãge? (ãfter ãll, you know whãt they sãy: “Good things come in bãcon-wrãpped pãckãges.”)

2 pounds leãn ground beef
½ cup prepãred bãrbecue sãuce
Kosher sãlt, to tãste
Ground blãck pepper, to tãste
4 cãnned sliced pineãpple rings
8 slices bãcon
Hãmburger buns (optionãl)
Hãmburger toppings (optionãl)

  1. Preheãt the oven to 400°F/200°C. Line ã lãrge bãking sheet with ãluminum foil or pãrchment pãper ãnd it set ãside.
  2. In ã lãrge bowl, mix together the ground beef ãnd the bãrbecue sãuce. Shãpe the beef mixture into 4 pãtties. Seãson the pãtties with sãlt ãnd pepper.
  3. Plãce two strips of bãcon to mãke four X’s on the bãking sheet. Plãce ã hãmburger pãtty on the center of eãch X, ãnd ã pineãpple ring on top of eãch pãtty. 
  4. Wrãp the pãtties in ã crisscross fãshion by folding up the ends of the strips of bãcon. Use ã toothpick in the center to help secure the bãcon. Repeãt with the remãining burgers.