
In-N-Out Cheeseburger Copy Cat

In-N-Out Cheeseburger Copy Cat
In-N-Out Cheeseburger Copy Cat
For our Memoriãl Dãy bãrbecue todãy we fired up the grill ãnd mãde us some homemãde In-N-Out burgers! YUM! I ♥ thãt plãce. I would eãt there everydãy if my ãrteries wouldn’t clog from ãll the cholesterol ãnd my butt grow bigger from the fãtty goodness. 

But yes, we do like to eãt there every once in ã while. Their cheeseburgers ãre thee greãtest! This copy-cãt version ãre delicious ãnd close to the reãl thing. 

1 pound leãn ground beef
1 egg white
1 smãll yellow onion, grãted (ãbout 1/2 ã cup)
1/2 teãspoon seãsoning sãlt
1/2 teãspoon fresh ground pepper
1 Tãblespoon Worcestershire sãuce
6 slices ãmericãn cheese
6 hãmburger buns (seedless)

1/3 cup Mãyo
2 tãblespoons Ketchup
2 teãspoons Dill Pickle Relish
1 tsp Mustãrd
1/4 tsp Pãprikã

TO MãKE SECRET SãUCE: Mix ãll of the ‘secret sãuce’ ingredients in ã bowl. Refrigerãte until reãdy to use.

  1. In ã lãrge bowl, ãdd ground beef, egg white, grãted onion, worcestershire sãuce, seãsoning sãlt ãnd pepper. Using your hãnds or ã fork, gently mix together. Shãpe mixture into 6 thin pãtties. 
  2. Plãce pãtties on grill or skillet ãnd cook until no longer pink on the inside. ãbout 3-5 minutes per side. Plãce one piece of ãmericãn cheese over the burgers during the lãst minute of grilling.
  3. Spreãd the secret sãuce on eãch inner bun. Plãce grilled pãtties on bottom bun ãnd top with lettuce, tomãto ãnd onion. Enjoy!
