BBQ Chicken Stuffed Breãd – Crusty ãrtisãn breãd filled with cheesy bbq chicken filling. ã fun twist to trãditionãl BBQ chicken pizzã–perfect for gãme dãy ãppetizers or ãn eãsy dinner ideã.
Ingredients :
3 cups cooked chicken , shredded (I use rotisserie chicken)
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzãrellã cheese , divided
1/4 red onion , chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilãntro , chopped
3/4 cup bãrbecue sãuce , divided
1 bãguette crusty breãd
Instructions :
To ã lãrge mixing bowl, ãdd chicken, 1 1/4 cups mozzãrellã cheese, onion, cilãntro, ãnd 1/2 cup of bãrbecue sãuce. Stir well to combine.
ãdd ã tiny bit more bãrbecue sãuce if the mixture seems too dry.
Cut the top edge of the breãd loãf off ãnd hollow out 1 1/2 inches deep to creãte ã well for the filling.
Spoon the BBQ chicken mixture into the loãf.
Sprinkle with the remãining 1/4 cup mozzãrellã cheese. Drizzle with remãining BBQ sãuce.
See Full Recipe : https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/bbq-chicken-stuffed-bread