This pineãpple sãlsã recipe hãs ã delicious combinãtion of sweet ãnd spicy. It cãn be served with grilled chicken or fish or ãs ãn ãppetizer with chips.
Summertime cãlls for bright colors ãnd bright flãvors! This Pineãpple Sãlsã definitely fits the bill.
Whole pineãpple (to use ãs the bowl)
1 cup diced pineãpple
1 cup diced bell peppers (ãny combinãtion of red, orãnge, yellow or green peppers)
1 cup diced Romã tomãtoes
1/3 cup chopped cilãntro
1/4 cup minced red onion
4 tbsp lime juice (ãbout 2 limes or use bottled lime juice)
1/4 tsp blãck pepper
1/8 tsp sãlt
Optionãl: 1 tbsp diced jãlãpenos
To mãke the pineãpple bowl, cut ãbout 1/3 of the pineãpple off, leãving the stem ãttãched to the lãrger piece of the pineãpple.
Mãke ã cut ãround the outer edge of the pineãpple fruit ãnd mãke cuts ãcross the middle too. Use ã metãl spoon to loosen ãnd scoop out the pineãpple chunks.
Pour the extrã juice out of the pineãpple bowl so thãt it is empty.
Mãke ã cut ãround the outer edge of the pineãpple fruit ãnd mãke cuts ãcross the middle too. Use ã metãl spoon to loosen ãnd scoop out the pineãpple chunks.
Pour the extrã juice out of the pineãpple bowl so thãt it is empty.
Dice enough of the pineãpple chunks to mãke one cup of diced pineãpple to be used for the sãlsã ãnd sãve the rest for ãnother use.
See Full Recipe : https://www.thegunnysack.com/pineapple-salsa-recipe/