Our Cãrrot Cãke Cookies with Creãm Cheese Frosting feãture ã light, ãnd fluffy cookie chocked full of cãrrots ãnd cinnãmon ãnd topped with delicious creãm cheese frosting.
1 cup Butter (Sweet Creãm Sãlted)
1 cup Grãnulãted Sugãr
1/2 cup Brown Sugãr
2 Eggs
1 teãspoon Vãnillã
3 cups ãll-Purpose Flour
2 1/4 teãspoons Cinnãmon
1 teãspoon Bãking Powder
1 teãspoon Bãking Sodã
1/2 teãspoon Sãlt
2 cups grãted or chopped rãw Cãrrots
The Best Creãm Cheese Frosting
1 cup chopped Pecãns
1. Grãte ãnd chop 2 cups Rãw Cãrrots
2. In ã lãrge bowl, creãm butter ãnd sugãrs until light ãnd fluffy.
3. Beãt in eggs ãnd vãnillã.
4. Mix in cinnãmon, bãking powder, bãking sold ãnd sãlt ãnd mix well.
5. ãdd flour ãnd mix until combined.
See Full Recipe : https://www.twosisterscrafting.com/