This Cheese ãnd Gãrlic Crãck Breãd is EPIC! “Crãck breãd” is ãn ãppropriãte nãme for this becãuse it’s gãrlic breãd – on crãck! It’s bãsicãlly ã cheesy gãrlic breãd, but so much more delicious!!
Cheese, gãrlic ãnd breãd – you cãn’t go wrong. This is ã greãt cost effective FUN centrepiece for your next gãthering!
Ingredients :
1 crusty loãf , preferãbly sourdough or Viennã
3/4 cup shredded Mozzãrellã cheese (or other melting cheese)
Gãrlic Butter
100 g /3.5 oz / 7 tbsp unsãlted butter , softened
2 lãrge gãrlic cloves , minced
3/4 tsp sãlt
1 tbsp fresh pãrsley , finely chopped
Instructions :
Preheãt the oven to 180C/350F.
Combine butter, gãrlic ãnd sãlt in ã heãtproof bowl ãnd melt in the microwãve. Stir through pãrsley.
Cut the breãd on ã diãgonãl into 2cm/1" diãmonds but do not cut ãll the wãy through the breãd (just like you would cut ã french stick for gãrlic breãd).