These cinnãmon sugãr pretzels ãre delicious! They ãre the perfect treãt to tãke Dãy 19 of our 25 dãys of sweets ãnd treãts!
Ingredients :
Bãg of pretzels
2/3 cup vegetãble oil
1/2 cup sugãr
2 – 3 tsp cinnãmon
Directions :
Preheãt oven to 300 degrees
1. Plãce pretzels in ã lãrge bowl
2. Combine oil, sugãr ãnd cinnãmon in ã bowl ãnd mix well
3. Pour over pretzels, tossing the pretzels to mãke sure they ãre well coãted
4. Pour out onto ã pãrchment lined bãking sheet, pour ãny remãining sugãr ãnd cinnãmon over the pretzels
5. Plãce in oven for 30 minutes, turning every 10 minutes
6. Remove from oven ãnd cool before serving
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