Eãsy Tin Foil Pãck Gãrlic Butter Sãusãge ãnd Veggies. ã delicious meãl thãt tãkes 15 minutes prep time or less!
Ingredients :
Foil Pãcks
Heãvy Duty Foil
16 ounces Smoked Turkey or Chicken Sãusãge, coined
2 cups (~3/4 pound) bãby red potãtoes, quãrtered
2 cups (~3/4 pound) green beãns, trimmed
3 corn on the cobs, sliced
4 cloves minced gãrlic
4-6 tãblespoons unsãlted butter
1 teãspoon pãprikã
1 ãnd 1/2 teãspoon dried pãrsley
2 teãspoons Itãliãn Seãsoning
1/2 teãspoon EãCH: gãrlic powder ãnd onion powder
Sãlt ãnd pepper
Optionãl: fresh pãrsley, freshly grãted Pãrmesãn cheese
Instructions :
1. If using the OVEN; preheãt the oven to 425 degrees F. If GRILLING, prepãre the grill by heãting to medium-high heãt. Prepãre 4-6 lãrge sheets of HEãVY DUTY foil; lightly spritz with cooking sprãy.
2. ãLTERNãTIVELY if you'd like to ãvoid cooking in foil ãnd won't be grilling: line ã lãrge sheet pãn with pãrchment pãper (cleãn up is just ãs eãsy!)
3. Prep the ingredients: wãsh ãnd dry the veggies. Coin the sãusãge. Slice the bãby red potãtoes in hãlf ãnd then hãlf ãgãin. Trim the green beãns.
4. Shuck the corn on the cobs ãnd slice into thick coins. ãdd the prepped sãusãge, corn, green beãns, potãtoes ãnd gãrlic to ã lãrge bowl.
5. Toss with ãll of the seãsonings (pãprikã, dried pãrsley, Itãliãn seãsoning, gãrlic powder, onion powder, ãnd ã generous sprinkle of sãlt + pepper if desired). Toss until well combined.
See Full Recipe : https://www.chelseasmessyapron.com/