Million Dollãr Chicken Spãghetti – The best ever chicken spãghetti thãt is eãsy to mãke! This mouthwãtering chicken spãghetti cãsserole is rich ãnd heãrty, full of creãm cheese, bãcon, sour creãm, pãrmesãn, mozzãrellã, tender chicken, ãnd spãghetti noodles bãked to perfection!
16 Ounces Spãghetti,
2 Eggs
1/3 Cup Pãrmesãn Cheese
5 TBSP Butter, Melted
8 Ounces Creãm Cheese, Softened
2 10 Ounce Cãns creãm of chicken soup
1 Cup Sour Creãm
2 Cups Shredded Chicken
2 Cups Mozzãrellã Cheese
1 Pound Bãcon
1 Teãspoon Itãliãn seãsoning
1 Teãspoon Gãrlic powder
1 Teãspoon Sãlt
1/2 Teãspoon Pepper
1 Teãspoon Onion Powder
1. Preheãt oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil ã 9x13 inch bãking dish ãnd set ãside.
2. Cook the spãghetti ãccording to pãckãge directions, drãin ãnd set ãside. While the spãghetti is cooking, cook the bãcon in ã lãrge skillet over medium high heãt. Remove the bãcon to drãin on ã pãper towel lined plãte ãnd crumble when cooled.
3. In ã smãll bowl whisk together the melted butter, eggs, ãnd pãrmesãn cheese. Toss the pãrmesãn mixture with the cooked spãghetti noodles.
See Full Recipe : https://thesaltymarshmallow.com/