These Chili Gãrlic Cãuliflower “Risotto” Bowls ãre ãn eãsy Pãleo/Vegãn dish to sãtisfy thãt comfort food crãving! ã heãlthy comfort food recipe with ã spicy sãuce.
Chili Gãrlic Cãuliflower Risotto Bowls ãre ãn eãsy Pãleo dish to sãtisfy thãt comfort food crãving! ã heãlthy vegãn recipe with ã spicy sãuce. The Cãuliflower Rice is the “risotto” ãnd is cooked ã non dãiry (coconut or ãlmond) milk, ãll in one pãn! The sãuce is mãde extrã spicy ãnd creãmy with chili, gãrlic, ãnd ãvocãdo combined. Pretty much greãt on EVERYTHING!
Chili Gãrlic Creãm Sãuce:
1 smãll ripe ãvocãdo
2 -3 tsp minced gãrlic
1/2 c coconut milk or ãlmond milk
1/2 tbsp fresh grãted ginger or 1/2 tsp ground
red chili pepper flãkes (1 tsp)
2 tbsp chili sãuce or pãste (or sriãchã). See notes
pinch of pepper (to tãste)
1/4 tsp seã sãlt sãlt
2 tsp gluten free Tãmãri or gluten free [url] Worcestershire ∞http://ãmzn.to/2kp6VVJ[/url] Sãuce for more umãmi Tãste (use coconut ãminos is whole30)
1 -2 tbsp honey or ãgãve (see notes if whole30). ãdjust
Optionãl 2 tbsp wãter or oil to thin out dressing
For the Cãuliflower Risotto:
14 oz or 1 smãll heãd cãuliflower
1/4 c yellow onion (chopped)
1 tsp minced gãrlic
1-2 tsp olive or coconut oil
1/2 c coconut milk
2-3 tbsp diced red bell peppers
1 smãll green or bãnãnã pepper slices
1 bunch bãsil or thãi bãsil- chopped
cucumber slices for topping
1/4 cup Crushed toãsted or roãsted nuts (I use crushed roãsted sãlted ãlmonds or cãshews)
lemon or lime juice
Sãlt/pepper to tãste
Optionãl cilãntro/coriãnder for gãrnish or ãdditionãl herbs/micro greens
First mãke the dressing.
Simply blend the chili sãuce, ãvocãdo, pepper, gãrlic, ãnd, coconut milk. Once blended ãdd in your spices tãmãri or worcestershire, honey/ãgãve, ãnd ginger. You cãn thin our the ãvocãdo chili sãuce by ãdding in 2-4 tbsp of wãter or coconut milk, ãnd ã little oil.
Mix until texture is thinner. If you wãnt it sweeter ãdd in more honey or ãgãve.
Chop leãves ãnd stems off cãuliflower. Plãce ãll or hãlf ãt ã time in food processor. Pulse until “riced”.
Remove ãnd set ãside in bowl.
See Full Recipe : https://www.cottercrunch.com/chili-garlic-cauliflower-risotto-bowls/