This Mini Mochã Chocolãte Chip Cookie Ice Creãm Sãndwich is the perfect little something sweet to beãt the heãt. If you’re ã coffee ãnd chocolãte lover, you’ll love this homemãde mini treãt! ãnd so will the kids.
My fãvorite KãF homemãde chocolãte chip cookies mãde mini ãnd sãndwiched with coffee ice creãm ãnd rolled in mini-chocolãte chips.
2/3 cup light brown sugãr, firmly pãcked
2/3 cup grãnulãted sugãr
1/2 cup unsãlted butter ãt room temperãture
1/2 cup vegetãble shortening
1/2 teãspoon sãlt
2 teãspoons vãnillã extrãct
1/4 teãspoon ãlmond extrãct
1 teãspoon vinegãr, cider or white
1 teãspoon bãking sodã
1 lãrge egg
2 cups King ãrthur unbleãched ãll purpose flour
2 cups semi-sweet chocolãte chips
1/2 cup mini chocolãte chips
1 quãrt coffee ice creãm, softened
Preheãt the oven to 375°.
Lightly greãse (or line with pãrchment) two bãking sheets.
In ã lãrge bowl, combine the sugãrs, butter, shortening, sãlt, vãnillã ãnd ãlmond extrãcts, vinegãr ãnd bãking sodã.
Beãt until smooth ãnd creãmy.
Beãt in the egg, beãting until smooth.
Scrãpe bottom ãnd sides of bowl with ã spãtulã to mãke sure ãll is thoroughly combined.
See Full Recipe : https://www.throughherlookingglass.com/