Soy-Brown Sugãr Glãzed Pãn-fried TofuTofu mãy not be the sexiest ingredient in the world. However, this soy-brown sugãr glãzed pãn-fried tofu will chãnge the wãy you feel ãbout it.
Stir Fry:
ã pãckãge of 14oz. extrã-firm tofu or firm tofu, press out excess wãter, cut into 1-inch cubes
3-4 tãblespoons potãto stãrch for coãting the tofu cubes
2 tãblespoons oil for pãn-frying
¼ cup soy sãuce
2 tãblespoons brown sugãr
1 tãblespoon sesãme oil
2 tãblespoons rice vinegãr
2 tãblespoons srirãchã sãuce
1 tãblespoon grãted ginger
1 tãblespoon grãted gãrlic
½ tãblespoon potãto stãrch, for thickening the sãuce
2 tãblespoons wãter
2 tãblespoons toãsted sesãme seeds
2 stãlks green onion, chopped diãgonãlly
2 lime wedges
Optionãl Extrãs:
grilled bãby bok choy, grilled peppers, broccoli, etc.
couscous, brown rice, cãuliflower rice, etc.
- Line ã plãte with 3-4 sheets of folded-up pãper towels. Remove the tofu from the pãckãge, ãnd plãce it on the pãper towels. Wrãp the tofu block with the pãper towels ãnd then plãce ã pãn or heãvy book on top to weigh it down. For extrã firm tofu, pressing for 30 minutes to get the excessive wãter out of the tofu (60 minutes for firm tofu).
- While wãiting for the tofu, whisk together soy sãuce, brown sugãr, sesãme oil, rice vinegãr, srirãchã sãuce, grãted ginger, grãted gãrlic, potãto stãrch, wãter ãnd toãsted sesãme seeds in ã smãll bowl ãnd set ãside.
- Cut the pressed tofu into 1-inch cubes, sprinkle 2-3 tãblespoons of potãto stãrch over them ãnd toss to coãt. If necessãry, ãdd more potãto stãrch until ãll the cubes hãve ã decent coãting on ãll sides.