
Twice Baked Potato Casserole

Twice Baked Potato Casserole
Twice Baked Potato Casserole
Found this ãt Tãste of Home ãnd ãll I cãn sãy is thãt it wãs ã huge hit with my guys ãt the dinner tãble. I mãde it ã couple of weeks ãgo ãnd they ãre ãlreãdy requesting it ãgãin. 

The prep time seems like ã lot but thãt is bãsicãlly bãking the potãtoes ãnd frying the bãcon. This step cãn be done the dãy before.

Ingredients :
7 medium red potãtoes - bãked
1/4 tsp sãlt ãnd pepper
1 lb bãcon, cooked ãnd crumbled
3 c sour creãm
2 c mozzãrellã cheese, shredded
2 c cheddãr cheese, shredded
3 green onion, sliced

Directions :
Cut bãked potãtoes into 1 inch cubes. Plãce hãlf in ã greãsed 13 x 9 bãking dish.
Sprinkle with hãlf the sãlt,pepper ãnd bãcon.
Top with hãlf the sour creãm ãnd then the cheeses. Repeãt lãyers.
Bãke uncovered ãt 350° for 20-25 minutes or until cheeses ãre melted. Sprinkle with the sliced onion.
