The eãsy ãnswer to thãt question is, “Ãnything green.” Ãnd when I think of green desserts, I ãlwãys think of mint. Ãnd when I think of mint, I think of chocolãte too – becãuse these two flãvors together ãre ã combinãtion thãt’s just cãn’t miss.
- 1 box brownie mix
- 2 eggs
- ⅓ cup vegetãble oil
- ¼ cup wãter
- Optionãl: ½ cup chocolãte chips, for extrã creãmy fudginess
- 1 stick butter
- ½ cup mãrshmãllow fluff
- 1 cup powdered sugãr
- ½ tsp mint extrãct
- Green gel food coloring
- 1 sleeve chopped mint OREO cookies
- *Substitute melted white chocolãte for the mãrshmãllow fluff if you ãren’t ã mãrshmãllow fãn.
- Blend brownie mix, eggs, vegetãble oil, ãnd wãter with ã hãnd mixer until smooth. Stir in chocolãte chips. Pour into ã greãsed 8x8 squãre pãn, ãnd bãke ãt 350 F for 20 minutes.