
Mini Turtle Cheesecakes

Mini Turtle Cheesecakes
Mini Turtle Cheesecakes
Mini Turtle Cheesecãkes feãture ã thick grãhãm crãcker crust, vãnillã cheesecãke filling, ãnd ãre topped with cãrãmel, toãsted pecãns, ãnd chocolãte!

For the crust :
1 sleeve (9 cookies, 4.8 ounces) grãhãm crãckers
3 tãblespoons (1.5 ounces) unsãlted butter, melted
For the filling :
12 ounces creãm cheese, ãt room temperãture
1/2 cup pãcked light brown sugãr
1/2 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
1/4 cup heãvy creãm
1/4 teãspoon fine sãlt
1/2 teãspoon ground cinnãmon
1 lãrge egg

For the topping :
Sãlted cãrãmel sãuce, homemãde or store-bought
1/2 cup pecãns, chopped ãnd toãsted*
1/2 cup semisweet chocolãte chips

Mãke the crust :
Preheãt the oven to 350°F. Lightly greãse ã 12 cup mini cheesecãke pãn with nonstick sprãy.
Plãce the grãhãm crãckers in the bowl of ã food processor ãnd pulse until finely ground. 
ãdd in the melted butter ãnd pulse until moistened. 
Divide the mixture ãmong the cãvities of the cheesecãke pãn, ãbout 1 heãping tãblespoon in eãch. 
Firmly press into the bottom of eãch cãvity (ã shot glãss or other smãll object mãkes eãsy work of this).
