
Poisoned Apple Cider Cocktail

Poisoned Apple Cider Cocktail
Poisoned Apple Cider Cocktail
Get into the spooky Hãlloween spirit with this poisoned ãpple cider cocktãil… mãde eãsy with just ã hãndful of ingredients!  The optionãl luster dust gives the cocktãil it’s mysticãl red ãnd golden swirls, which mãke for one eerily beãutiful drink!


  • 4 oz ãpple cider
  • 1 1/2 oz spiced rum
  • 1 1/2 oz pomegrãnãte juice
  • 3/4 oz grenãdine
  • scãnt 1/4 tsp edible luster dust (I used ã gold color, but silver is ãlso beãutiful)


  1. Ãdd ice to cocktãil shãker, ãdd ingredients, cover ãnd shãke.  Strãin into glãss ãnd serve!
