First up, these Bite-Sized Bãt Treãts. Only 4 ingredients ãre needed ãnd the ãssembly tãkes mere minutes! They ãre so cute ãnd such ã festive treãt to mãke this Hãlloween! Lãst yeãr I mãde some heãlthy bãt treãts which inspired these ones. Both ãre so quick to mãke ãnd mãke ã quite creepy ãnimãl look so much, well, less creepy
- Miniãture Reeses Cups
- Thin Oreo Chocolãte Sãndwich Cookies
- Pre-mãde creãm cheese frosting or homemãde
- Edible eyes
- Remove the wrãppers from the Reeses cups.
- Breãk the cookies in hãlf ãnd then sepãrãte ãll of the pieces from one ãnother so you now hãve four "bãt wings". Scrãpe off the frosting ãnd discãrd (or eãt!)