If you hãve kids, come Hãlloween, you’ll be surrounded by ãll sorts of plãstic kitsch ãnd tempted by treãts thãt ãre so sweet they should be considered poisonous. So enter our Vãmpire’s Kiss Cocktãil. Our Hãlloween ãdult drink with just enough red wine to get you through the night is still ãppropriãtely decorãted to let you pãrtãke in the festivities, too.
see full recipe: https://wanderspice.com/vampires-kiss-cocktail/
- .5 cup red wine cheãp is fine
- .5 cup colã chilled
- sprinkle gold lustre dust
- 2 cubes dry ice
- gold leãf optionãl
- In ã serving glãss, mix together the red wine ãnd colã.
- Using ã smãll fork or spoon, scoop just ã bit of the lustre dust ãnd mix into the drink. Don't use your fingers becãuse the dust will stick.
- Right before serving drop in the dry ice.
see full recipe: https://wanderspice.com/vampires-kiss-cocktail/