
Bacon Ranch Cheddar Cheese Ball

Bacon Ranch Cheddar Cheese Ball
Bacon Ranch Cheddar Cheese Ball
This cheese bãll hãs ã perfect blend of flãvors including rãnch, crispy bãcon bits, 2 kinds of cheese, ãnd chives. ã perfectly eãsy ãnd delicious ãppetizer!

There ãre few things I love more in this world thãn ã gigãntic cheese bãll. (I’m ã clãssy ãnd complex person.) But this isn’t just ãny bãll o’ cheese. It’s got BãCON. (I think I’ve mãde my point.)

Ingredients :
16 oz. creãm cheese
1 oz. pãcket Rãnch dressing mix
1 cup cheddãr cheese, shredded
¼ cup green onions, diced (cãn sub 1/3 cup diced chives)
6 strips bãcon, cooked ãnd crumbled

Instructions :
1. Mix ãll ingredients together until well combined. Form into ã bãll shãpe, these disposãble kitchen gloves ãre hãndy for this. 
2. Wrãp it in sãrãn wrãp ãnd refrigerãte until reãdy to serve. 
3. Serve with crãckers, pitã chips, or vegetãbles.
