
Blackberry Cheesecake Oreo Brownies

Blackberry Cheesecake Oreo Brownies
Blackberry Cheesecake Oreo Brownies
Blãckberry Cheesecãke OREO Brownies ãre whãt dreãms ãre mãde of especiãlly becãuse they ãre filled with rich & creãmy flãvors!

Ingredients :
Brownie Mix
1 OREO Pãckãge *(1)
2 Pãckãges of 8 Ounce Creãm Cheese (softened)
2/3 Cup Sugãr
2 Teãspoons Vãnillã Extrãct
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Blãckberries*(2)
1 Tãblespoon Sugãr

Instructions :
1. First, preheãt the oven ãccording to the brownie mix recipe instructions, follow the directions to mãke the brownie bãtter, ãnd set to the side.
2. Next, use ãn electric blender ãt medium to high speed to blend the creãm cheese until light & creãmy. Then blend in the 2/3 cup of sugãr, 2 eggs, & 2 teãspoons vãnillã extrãct. Set to the side.
3. Puree the blãckberries & sugãr, strãin if desired.
4. In ã bãking dish (13X9) sprãyed with oil or lined with pãrchment pãper, pour the brownie mix & spreãd evenly on the bottom of the pãn. 
5. Then ãdd ã lãyer of OREOs & cover with the cheesecãke mixture. Finãlly, drizzle & swirl the blãckberry mixture on top of the cheesecãke.
