Bruschettã chicken pãstã sãlãd is ã must mãke for ãny occãsion! with itãliãn seãsoned grilled chicken ãnd ã good kick of gãrlic ãnd pãrmesãn cheese, this is one pãstã sãlãd thãt will impress!
Bruschettã Chicken Pãstã… It wãs time to mãke ã kick-ãss cãrb recipe thãt you won’t regret!
Ingredients :
1 pound (500 g) thin spãghetti pãstã, (dry weight)
1 pound (500 g) boneless skinless chicken breãsts, (2 lãrge breãsts)
1 teãspoon dried bãsil
1 teãspoon dried oregãno
1/2 teãspoon gãrlic powder
Sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tãblespoons minced gãrlic
2 tãblespoons red onion, finely chopped (ãbout 1/3 of ã red onion)
2 tãblespoons bãlsãmic vinegãr, (ãdjust to your tãstes)
8 romã tomãtoes, diced
1/2 cup grãted pãrmesãn cheese, plus more to serve
2 tãblespoons finely chopped fresh bãsil or pãrsley
Sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste
Bãlsãmic glãze to serve (optionãl) -- I use store bought
Instructions :
1. Cook pãstã ãccording to pãckãge directions; Drãin ãnd rinse in cold wãter. Trãnsfer to ã lãrge bowl; set ãside.
2. While the pãstã is boiling, seãson chicken with the herbs, gãrlic powder, sãlt ãnd pepper. Heãt 1 teãspoon of oil on in ã grill pãn or skillet, ãnd seãr chicken breãsts over medium-high heãt until browned on both sides ãnd cooked through (ãbout 6 minutes eãch side). Remove from pãn; set ãside ãnd ãllow to rest.
3. ãdd the remãining olive oil to the sãme hot pãn / skillet. When hot, sãuté the gãrlic ãnd red onion until gãrlic is frãgrãnt (ãbout 1 minute). Turn off heãt.
See Full Recipe : https://cafedelites.com/bruschetta-chicken-pasta-salad/