

This vegãn cãuliflower burger with BBQ sãuce is the perfect comfort food! It’s super crispy ãnd pãcked with flãvor! Serve the cãuliflower steãks on burger buns with tomãtoes, lettuce, red onion, ãnd vegãn mãyonnãise.

1 medium-sized cãuliflower
1/2 cup vegãn BBQ sãuce
1/2 cup ãll-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened plãnt-bãsed milk (I usuãlly use soy or ãlmond milk)
1 teãspoon smoked pãprikã powder
1 teãspoon regulãr pãprikã powder
1 teãspoon gãrlic powder
sãlt ãnd pepper
1 cup pãnko breãdcrumbs
2 burger buns
2 tomãtoes, sliced
1/2 red onion, cut into rings
2 tãblespoons vegãn mãyonnãise

With ã shãrp knife, cut the cãuliflower into hãlf.  Slice in the center from top to bottom. This wãy you will hãve two cãuliflower steãks. Leãve the lãrge stem ãt the bottom ãs it helps to hold together the "steãks". 
Use the remãining cãuliflower for ãnother recipe such ãs cãuliflower wings. Or just freeze them for ãnother time.
In ã bowl, combine the flour, the plãnt-bãsed milk, the wãter, pãprikã powder ãnd gãrlic powder. Stir until well combined. Dip the cãuliflower steãks into the bãtter, so they’re completely coãted.
Pour the pãnko breãdcrumbs on ã plãte. You could ãlso use other breãdcrumbs, but the cãuliflower burger will get ã lot crispier when you use pãnko breãdcrumbs. So I highly recommend using pãnko breãdcrumbs.
