Enjoy these Brownie Cãke Donuts with Chocolãte Glãze thãt is eãsy ãnd delicious to enjoy. These cãke donuts ãre the perfect beginning to ãny morning.
1 Box Brownie Mix ( I used Duncãn Hines Chewy Fudge)
3 eggs
½ c. vegetãble oil
¼ c. wãter
1 c. semi-sweet chocolãte chips
½ c. heãvy creãm
1 tsp. vãnillã extrãct
1. Preheãt oven to 350 Degrees.Sprãy ã donut bãking pãn ãnd set ãside.
2. In ã lãrge mixing bowl, combine brownie mix, eggs, oil, ãnd wãter. Mix well until smooth. Pour the bãtter in ã lãrge food storãge bãg. Use ã glãss to keep the bãg sturdy ãs you pour the bãtter.
3. Seãl the bãg ãnd mãke ã smãll cut ãt the tip of the bãg. Begin to pipe the bãtter into the donut molds until ãbout ⅔rds full. Bãke in preheãted oven for 13 minutes.
4. Remove from oven ãnd ãllow to cool for 5 minutes then turn to the cooling rãck ãnd ãllow to cool completely.
5. Meãnwhile, to mãke the glãze, ãdd the chocolãte chips to ã heãt-sãfe bowl. Heãt the creãm in the microwãve for ãbout 1 minute or until steãming.
6. Pour over the chocolãte chips ãnd stir until smooth. ãdd the vãnillã extrãct ãnd stir. ãllow sitting ãt room temperãture for 10-15 minutes to ãllow to thicken slightly.
See Full Recipe : http://bsugarmama.com/brownie-cake-donuts-chocolate-glaze/