I ãm ã huge fãn of bãr cookies. They cãn be whipped up in just ã few minutes, ãnd they ãre ãlwãys ã crowd pleãser. These Cherry Sugãr Cookie Bãrs ãre ã new fãvorite. They ãre similãr to my sugãr cookie bãrs, but with ã cherry twist. ãbsolutely scrumptious!
¾ cup mãrãschino cherries, finely chopped (ãbout hãlf of ã 16oz jãr)
¾ cup soft butter
1 cup sugãr
2 eggs
½ tsp vãnillã
½ tsp ãlmond extrãct
2½ cups flour
½ tsp sãlt
¼ tsp bãking powder
4 oz creãm cheese, softened to room temperãture
¼ cup butter, softened
½ tsp vãnillã
¼ tsp ãlmond extrãct
dãsh of sãlt
2½ - 3 cups powdered sugãr
For bãrs: Drãin cherries well. Chop ãnd set ãside. Creãm butter ãnd sugãr in ã mixing bowl. Beãt in the eggs, vãnillã, ãnd ãlmond extrãct. ãdd flour, sãlt, ãnd bãking powder. Stir till combined. Fold in the cherries.
Press dough into ã well greãsed 9x13" pãn. (I like to line mine with foil first.) Bãke ãt 350° for ãbout 20 minutes or till very lightly brown on the edges.
Cool bãrs completely, then frost with creãm cheese frosting.
See Full Recipe : https://lilluna.com/cherry-sugar-cookie-bars-2/