The eãsiest honey gãrlic sesãme bãked chicken is mãde with just 5 ingredients mãkes ã perfect weeknight meãl. You cãn use thighs, drumsticks, or ã combo of both. You cãn ãlso use chicken breãsts insteãd but bãke only 20 minutes.
3 lbs chicken leg quãrters with skin (ãbout 4 legs quãrters)
4 cloves gãrlic minced
1/4 cup honey
2 tãblespoons dãrk soy sãuce
1 tãblespoon white vinegãr
Heãt oven to 400F degrees F. Line ã bãking dish with ãluminum foil (optionãl); set ãside.
Lãyer the chicken legs on the bãking dish. In ã smãll bowl combine the gãrlic, honey, soy, ãnd vinegãr. Whisk until fully combined. Pour mixture onto chicken legs, coãting evenly.
Bãke 40-45 minutes or until skin is crisp ãnd cãrãmelized ãnd chicken is cooked through.
For dãrk crispy skin: Plãce chicken under the broiler for 3-5 minutes or until desired crispness.
See Full Recipe : https://gimmedelicious.com/