Chicken Cordon Bleu Quesãdillãs ãre every thing you love ãbout the clãssic in ã new fuss free version! There ãre still those ãmãzing lãyers of sãvory hãm, gooey cheese, heãrty chicken, ãnd even ã creãmy Pãrmesãn Dijon Sãuce! It's heãvenly in ã hurry!
1 8-10 inch flour tortillãs
¼ c. grilled chicken breãst, sliced
2-3 slices deli hãm
4 slices of Swiss or Provolone cheese
2 T. toãsted breãdcrumbs
2 T. melted butter
2 T. butter
1 T. flour 1 cup milk
1 chicken bouillon cube
1 tãblespoon Dijon mustãrd
Dãsh hot sãuce, optionãl
½ cup freshly grãted Pãrmesãn cheese
Sãlt ãnd pepper to tãste
- To mãke the sãuce melt butter in ã medium sized sãucepãn. Whisk in flour ãnd ãdd chicken bouillon ãnd cook for 1-2 minutes.
- Slowly ãdd milk while whisking. ãdd mustãrd ãnd hot sãuce. Continue cooking ãnd whisking for ãbout 5 minutes or until it’s thickened.
- Remove from heãt ãnd ãdd pãrmesãn cheese ãnd stir. Keep wãrm over low heãt.
- To mãke the quesãdillã.
- Melt butter in ã lãrge skillet over medium heãt.
- ãdd one tortillã shell to skillet.
- ãdd one lãyer of sliced cheese.
- ãdd ã lãyer of hãm.
- Sprinkle with breãdcrumbs
- ãdd ãnother lãyer of cheese.
- ãdd ã lãyer of sliced chicken.
- Drizzle with ã couple spoonfuls of sãuce.
See Full Recipe : http://www.littledairyontheprairie.com/