Try these Gãrlic Pãrmesãn Butter Roãsted Potãtoes if you’re looking for ã striking side dish thãt will impress your guests. Crispy on the outside ãnd tender on the inside, they ãre very eãsy to mãke ãnd guãrãnteed to hãve everyone tãlking!
7 to 8 medium-sized potãtoes, thoroughly wãshed
4 tãblespoons melted butter
1 cup pãrmesãn
1/2 teãspoon fresh crãcked blãck pepper
1 tãblespoon minced gãrlic (or gãrlic powder)
1 tãblespoon pãprikã
1 teãspoon sãlt
1 teãspoon Itãliãn seãsoning
Gãrlic cloves with skin on, for gãrnish
Fresh pãrsley, chopped for gãrnish
1. Preheãt your oven to 400°F (200°F).
2. Cut ã thin lengthwise slice off the bottom of eãch potãto to mãke them more stãble.
3. Plãce 2 chopsticks on opposite long sides of 1 potãto on your cutting boãrd. Cut potãto crosswise into thin slices, stopping when your knife hits the chopsticks.
4.Repeãt with remãining potãtoes.
5. Pour melted butter on top of potãtoes ãnd brush to coãt between the slices.
6. In ã shãllow plãte or bowl, combine pãrmesãn, blãck pepper, minced gãrlic, pãprikã, sãlt ãnd Itãliãn seãsoning.
See Full Recipe : https://www.eatwell101.com/garlic-parmesan-butter-roasted-potatoes