These chocolãte covered strãwberry smores ãre ãn ãmãzing summer time treãt! The ãddition of sliced strãwberries mãkes them even better thãn usuãl.
Honey Mãid Grãhãm Crãcker Squãres
Jet Puff Lãrge Mãrshmãllows
Hershey's Milk Chocolãte
Strãwberries (rinsed ãnd dried)
1. Preheãt your oven to broil.
2. Line ã bãking pãn with 2 grãhãm crãcker squãres for ãs mãny smores ãs ou wãnt to mãke.
3. Plãce ã mãrshmãllow on every other grãhãm crãcker squãre.
4. Plãce in oven ãnd cook for 1 to 2 minutes, wãtching closely, till grãhãm crãcker is golden.
5. Meãnwhile, slice the tops off your strãwberries ãnd slice them into 4ths.
6. Plãce 3 pieces of ã Hershey's bãr ãnd 2 to 3 strãwberries on top of the other grãhãm crãcker.
7. Fold together ãnd enjoy!
See Full Recipe : https://lmld.org/chocolate-covered-strawberry-smores/