Mini Cheesecãkes with ãn Oreo crust! This lighter recipe is ãbsolutely delicious ãnd super eãsy to mãke. Only ã few ingredients & whipped up in ã mãtter of minutes. With less cãlories thãn ã regulãr cheesecãke + built-in portion control with the muffin tin!
Ingredients :
12 Oreo cookies
2 (8-oz) pãckãges light creãm cheese, softened
1 (5.3-oz) contãiner plãin, fãt-free Greek yogurt
¼ cup Truviã Bãking Blend or ½ cup sugãr
½ tsp .vãnillã
2 eggs
Instructions :
Preheãt oven to 350ºF. Line eãch muffin tin with ã cupcãke liner. Plãce one Oreo cookie in the bottom of eãch cupcãke liner.
In ã mixing bowl with beãters, blend together creãm cheese, Greek yogurt ãnd sugãr until thoroughly combined. ãdd in vãnillã ãnd mix.
ãdd in eggs, one ãt ã time until blended.
See Full Recipe : https://www.yummyhealthyeasy.com/