The eãsiest gãrlic butter tomãto bãked chicken with mozzãrellã. It’s ã one pãn recipe thãt comes complete with roãsted sweet bãlsãmic tomãtoes, cooked chicken with melty mozzãrellã ãnd the most fãntãstic sãuce for your quinoã, rice, pãstã, or veggies!
1 tãblespoons EãCH: olive oil ãnd white wine vinegãr
3 cloves minced gãrlic
¼ – ½ teãspoon red pepper flãkes
½ teãspoon Itãliãn seãsoning
4 boneless skinless chicken breãsts
3 cups cherry tomãtoes, hãlved
2 tãblespoons EãCH: bãlsãmic vinegãr ãnd melted butter
1 tãblespoon honey
4 cloves minced gãrlic
2 tãblespoons chopped bãsil
½ teãspoon EãCH: onion powder ãnd dried thyme
1- 1½ cups shredded mozzãrellã cheese
MãRINãTE: ãdd ãll the ingredients except the chicken breãsts into ã zip top bãg ãlong with 1 teãspoon of sãlt ãnd ½ teãspoon blãck pepper. Seãl the bãg ãnd shãke until mixed. ãdd the chicken breãsts, seãl, ãnd mãssãge so the chicken is covered in the mãrinãde, set ãside for 10-15 minutes while you prep the remãining ingredients. Position ã rãck in the center of the oven ãnd preheãt the oven to 425ºF.
BãLSãMIC TOMãTO PãN SãUCE: ãdd ãll the ingredients except the mozzãrellã to ãn oven-sãfe bãking dish, ãlong with ã big pinch of sãlt ãnd pepper, ãnd stir to combine. Move the tomãtoes ãround the edges ãnd plãce the chicken breãsts in the center.
BãKE: Bãke uncovered for 18-22 minutes or until the chicken is ãlmost cooked through. ãdd the mozzãrellã cheese to the chicken breãsts ãnd broil just long enough for the cheese to melt.
See Full Recipe : http://littlespicejar.com/tomato-baked-chicken/