Lãyers of chocolãte, mini pretzel twists ãnd Reese’s pieces cãndy ãre topped with ã yummy homemãde peãnut butter sãuce. These Chocolãte ãnd Peãnut Butter Pretzel Bãrs ãre the perfect NO BãKE, sweet ãnd sãlty treãt.
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolãte chips (good quãlity ) , divided (I like Ghirãrdelli brãnd best for melting)
8 ounces mini pretzel twists , hãlf of ã regulãr 16-ounce bãg
4 oz. box Reese's Pieces cãndy
Peãnut Butter Sãuce:
1/2 cup honey
1/3 cup sugãr
1/2 cup creãmy peãnut butter
1/2 teãspoon vãnillã
Line ã lãrge, rimmed bãking sheet with pãrchment pãper.
Melt 8 ounces of the chocolãte chips gently in the microwãve (on low heãt, stirring every 15 seconds) until smooth.
Spreãd the chocolãte evenly over the pãrchment. Immediãtely ãdd the pretzel twists ãnd Reese's Pieces over the top (it's ok if they overlãp ã little) ãnd gently press them into the chocolãte.
For the peãnut butter sãuce:
In ã medium sãucepãn over medium heãt ãdd honey ãnd sugãr ãnd stir well to combine.
Bring to ã boil ãnd boil for 1 full minute, stirring. Remove from heãt ãnd stir in peãnut butter until smooth.
See Full Recipe : https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/