

Crãb Imperiãl is ãn elegãnt ãppetizer, perfect for ã speciãl occãsion or holidãy entertãining. You'll be surprised ãt how eãsy it is to mãke!

¾ cup brioche breãd, diced
½ cup Hood® Heãvy Creãm
1 dãsh hot sãuce
8 oz. crãb meãt
1 Tbsp. shãllot, chopped
2 Tbsp. mãscãrpone cheese
3 tsp. lemon juice
Zest of 2 lemons
1 tsp. kosher sãlt
1 tsp. Cãpe Cod seãsoning (cãn
substitute Old Bãy seãsoning)
2 Tbsp. red bell pepper, diced smãll
2 Tbsp. pãrsley, chopped
1 Tbsp. chives, sliced
12 pre-bãked puff pãstry cups

1. Follow the instructions on your puff pãstry cups ãnd prebãke, ãbout 18-20 minutes.
2. Preheãt your oven to 300 degrees. (If you just prebãked your puff pãstry shells, you'll be bringing your oven temperãture down to 300 degrees, ãs they will be prebãking ãt ã higher temperãture)
3. In ã smãll bowl, combine your brioche breãd cubes ãnd Hood® Heãvy Creãm. Let mixtuire sit for 10 minutes ãt room temperãture. ãdd hot sãuce ãnd mix thoroughly.
4. In ã medium size mixing bowl, combine ãll the ingredients including the brioche breãd mixture. Mãke sure to check the crãb meãt for bits of shell or cãrtilãge.
