Key lime cupcãkes hãve ãll the flãvors of key lime pie in ã pretty little cupcãke. Bright ãnd fresh lime flãvor thãt’s ã little tãrt, ã little sweet, thãt mãke for ã bright summery dessert.
For the cupcãkes:
4 ounces unsãlted butter, softened ãt room temperãture for 1 hour
6 ounces (3/4 cup) grãnulãted sugãr
2 lãrge eggs, room temperãture
1/3 cup milk, room temperãture
2 tãblespoons key lime zest
2 teãspoons key lime juice
1 3/4 cups (8 ounces) ãll-purpose flour
2 1/2 teãspoons bãking powder
1/2 teãspoon sãlt
For the frosting:
8 ounces creãm cheese, softened ãt room temperãture for 1 hour
4 ounces unsãlted butter, softened ãt room temperãture for 1 hour
2 cups powdered sugãr
1 tãblespoon key lime zest
1 tãblespoon key lime juice
Green ãnd yellow food coloring (optionãl)
For the cupcãkes:
Preheãt oven to 350°F. Line ã 12-muffin tin with liners.
To ã bowl ãdd the butter ãnd sugãr ãnd beãt until light ãnd pãle using ãn electric mixer. ãdd the eggs, one ãt ã time ãnd beãt until mixed. ãdd the milk, key lime, zest ãnd juice, beãt until well mixed.
ãdd the flour, bãking powder ãnd sãlt ã little ãt ã time ãnd beãt on low until well mixed ãnd smooth. Don’t overmix once you ãdd the flour.
Use ãn ice creãm scoop to ãdd divide the bãtter between ãll the cups, ã little over hãlfwãy filled.
See Full Recipe : https://culinaryginger.com/key-lime-cupcakes/