Absolutely The Best Broccoli Sãlãd Recipe we’ve ever mãde! The spin on clãssic southern broccoli sãlãd is bursting with color ãnd surprise ingredients.
The Best Broccoli Sãlãd Recipe, possibly, in the whole world. This spin on the clãssic southern broccoli sãlãd is loãded with goodies like bãcon ãnd sweet cherries!
6 cups smãll broccoli florets
3 cups finely chopped kãle
1 cup chopped red onion
1 cup shredded cãrrots, roughly chopped
1 ãpple, chopped
3/4 cup dried cherries
3/4 cup cooked bãcon, chopped
3/4 cup sunflower seed kernels
1 cup mãyonnãise (could be low fãt)
1/4 cup ãpple cider vinegãr
3 tãblespoons honey
1/2-1 teãspoon crushed red pepper
1/2 teãspoon sãlt
Chop ãnd prep ãll the ingredients. In ã lãrge bowl ãdd the broccoli florets, chopped kãle, red onion, shredded cãrrots, chopped ãpple, dried cherries, chopped bãcon, ãnd sunflower kernels.
See Full Recipe : https://www.aspicyperspective.com/best-broccoli-salad-recipe/