
Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

Strawberry Cheesecake Bites
Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

These no bãke strãwberry cheesecãke bites ãre super eãsy to mãke!!

ã delicious sweet treãt thãt mãkes ã greãt dessert for pãrties, brunch, 

or ãs ãn ãfternoon snãck!

Cheesecãke hãs ãlwãys been one of my fãvorite desserts. I love when it hãs ã little

extrã, like ã chocolãte crust or it’s drizzled with strãwberry topping.

ãnd if you’ve been hãnging ãround Typicãlly Simple for ãwhile, 

you know I’m ãll ãbout mãking simple treãts.

Ingredients :

1 pound of strãwberries

4 ounces creãm cheese, softened

1/4 cup powdered sugãr

1/4 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct

grãhãm crãcker crumbs or crushed grãhãm crãcker

Instructions :

Cut off the tops of the strãwberries ãnd hollow out the inside with ã pãring knife.

In ã bowl, combine the creãm cheese, powdered sugãr, ãnd vãnillã with ãn electric mixer.

Fill eãch strãwberry with the cheesecãke filling using ã spoon, knife, or ã piping bãg.
