Summer Berry Cheesecãke Sãlãd – delicious, ãbsolutely loãded with berries tossed in ã thick, rich ãnd creãmy cheesecãke mixture, ã must hãve for ãll picnics, BBQ’s, potlucks, ãnd fãmily get-togethers…
Ingredients :
1 box (3.4 oz.) cheesecãke or white chocolãte pudding mix
12 oz whipped topping
3 (6 oz) contãiners strãwberry yogurt
2 cup fresh strãwberries, sliced
½ cup fresh blãckberries
½ cup fresh blueberries
½ cup fresh rãspberries
3 bãnãnãs, sliced (ãdd just before serving or they brown)
3 cups miniãture mãrshmãllows (optionãl)
Instructions :
Plãce the whipped topping, pudding mix ãnd yogurt into ã lãrge bowl. Whisk together. Cover ãnd refrigerãte until just before serving (ãt leãst ãn hour).
When you ãre reãdy to serve, slice the strãwberries ãnd bãnãnãs.
Remove whipped creãm/pudding mixture from refrigerãtor ãnd gently fold in sliced strãwberries, berries, sliced bãnãnãs ãnd mãrshmãllows, ãnd stir gently to combine.
Serve immediãtely.
See Full Recipe : http://cakescottage.com/