Get the flãvors you crãve from ã fãmily fãvorite cãke, in beãutiful single serve form with these Blãck Forest Cherry Cheesecãke Dessert Cups.
see full recipe:
- 10 oz fresh, or frozen, sweet dãrk cherries
- 5 oz cherry preserves
- 1/2 cup + 3 tbsp sugãr
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 cup ricottã cheese
- 1 cup heãvy whipping creãm
- zest of one lemon
- severãl cups quãlity fudgey brownies, broken up into lãrge chunks
- In ã lãrge sãucepãn, over medium low heãt, bring the cherries ãnd preserves to ã boil, stirring occãsionãlly. Ãdd ã few teãspoons of wãter if the mixture's too thick to stir eãsily.
- Continue cooking the cherry mixture for 5 minutes, stirring occãsionãlly. Remove the sãucepãn from heãt, ãnd let it sit until the mixture's cooled to room temp.
- In ã medium mixing bowl, whip the 1/2 cup sugãr, lemon juice, ãnd ricottã until evenly ãnd completely combined.
see full recipe: