I ãm SUPER excited to see Suicide Squãd – in theãters Ãugust 5th! So excited thãt this Purple Joker cocktãil would be ã perfect drink to hãve for it! Here’s everything you need to mãke it. Serving size is 1 8oz glãss! You’ll ãlso need ã bãr shãker ãnd ã couple of shãllow plãtes.
- 2oz Blue Curãcão
- 1oz Peãch Tree Schnãpps
- 1/2 oz Rum
- 1/2 oz Vodkã
- 1 tsp. Grenãdine
- 3oz Ginger Ãle
- Silver sãnding sugãr
- 1 tbsp. Simple syrup
- You will need 2 smãll plãtes to decorãte the rim of your glãsswãre.
- Pour silver sãnding sugãr onto one plãte ãnd simple syrup on the other plãte.
- Tãke your glãsswãre ãnd dip the rims in the simple syrup ãnd then the silver sãnding sugãr ãnd set to the side.
- Fill your glãsses with ice 3/4 of the wãy full.
see full recipe: https://lifeshehas.com/cocktail-the-suicide-squad/