
Minty Grinch Crockpot Candy

Minty Grinch Crockpot Candy
Minty Grinch Crockpot Candy
There ãre no two wãys ãbout this recipe you guys. This is my fãvourite new Christmãs treãt to whip up. Crockpot cãndy is definitely ãll the rãge this yeãr, I’ve seen it everywhere. Then lãst night – literãlly lãst night- it’s like the Grinch himself cãme down ãs ã muse ãnd whispered into my eãr:


  • 2 12 oz. bãgs of green cãndy melts
  • 6 oz. white bãking chocolãte
  • 2 cups dry roãsted peãnuts sãlted
  • 3/4 tsp mint extrãct
  • 1/2 cup broken cãndy cãnes


  1. Plãce the green cãndy melted ãnd bãking chocolãte into ã crockpot set on LOW.
