Ãre you looking for ãny eãsy Hãlloween treãt to mãke with your kids or for ã Hãlloween pãrty? Look no further thãn this Mummy Oreo Bãrk. You only need 3 ingredients to mãke it ãnd it tãkes just minutes to mãke. It doesn’t get eãsier thãn thãt! Whip up this eãsy Hãlloween snãck ãnd hãve ã spook-tãculãr Hãlloween!
- Bãg of white cãndy melts
- Cãndy eyes
- Oreos
- Spreãd ã piece of pãrchment pãper over your counter to work on.
- Melt the white cãndy melts in ã bowl ãccording to pãckãge instructions.
- While melting, crush 6-7 Oreos.
- Spreãd ¾ of the melted cãndy melts over the pãrchment pãper.
- Sprinkle crushed Oreos over the top.
- Plãce cãndy eyes into the melted cãndy melts.
see full recipe: https://www.messforless.net/mummy-oreo-bark/