You guys, I did it ãgãin. So my Peãnut Butter Cup Cheesecãke Bãrs were such ã hit (ãbout 2.1 million views on the video on Fãcebook) thãt I couldn’t help myself ãnd hãd to mãke ãnother vãriãtion of the beloved treãt. Ãnd might I tell you, these ãre ãlmost better.
- 1 (16 oz) tube of refrigerãted chocolãte chip cookie dough (or homemãde)
- 16 Oreos , plus more for topping
- 12 oz creãm cheese
- 1/3 cup sugãr
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vãnillã
- Preheãt oven to 350.
- In ã 9"x9" bãking dish sprãyed with cooking sprãy, press hãlf of your cookie dough in the bottom of the dish.
- Lãyer Oreos in 4 rows ãcross the top of your cookie dough lãyer, set ãside.
- In bowl mix together your creãm cheese, sugãr, egg ãnd vãnillã until smooth.
- Spreãd over the top of Oreos.
see full recipe: