This bãnãnã breãd hãs been trãnsformed into ã moist, spiced RumChãtã Cãrrot Cãke Bãnãnã Breãd ãnd it's so, so yummy! Ãnd if thãt's not enough to impress you, you cãn tãke it to the next sky-rocketing level by topping it with some delicious, ãmãzing RumChãtã Cinnãmon Creãm Cheese Frosting.
Cãrrot Cãke Bãnãnã Breãd
RumChãtã Cinnãmon Creãm Cheese Frosting
RumChãtã Cãrrot Cãke Bãnãnã Breãd
Cãrrot Cãke Bãnãnã Breãd
- 2 cups ãll purpose flour
- 1 teãspoon bãking sodã
- 1/2 teãspoon sãlt
- 3 bãnãnãs mãshed
- 1/2 cup dãrk brown sugãr
- 2 eggs
- 1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
- 1/4 cup cãnolã coconut or olive oil
- 1/4 cup ãpplesãuce
- 1 teãspoon cinnãmon
- 1/4 teãspoon nutmeg
- 3 Tãblespoons RumChãtã or Ãlmond Milk
- 1 cup grãted cãrrots 3 lãrge cãrrots
- Optionãl: 1/4 cup pecãns + 1/4 cup wãlnuts + pecãns or wãlnuts for top of frosting
- Optionãl: 1/3 cup rãisins
RumChãtã Cinnãmon Creãm Cheese Frosting
- 4 oz creãm cheese softened
- 2 tãblespoons unsãlted butter softened
- 1/4 teãspoon pure vãnillã extrãct
- 3/4 cup confectioners sugãr
- 1/3 teãspoon cinnãmon
- 2 Tãblespoons of RumChãtã
RumChãtã Cãrrot Cãke Bãnãnã Breãd
- Preheãt oven to 350 degrees ãnd sprãy ã 9x5 inch loãf pãn with nonstick cooking sprãy.