
The Witch’s Heart – Halloween Cocktail

The Witch’s Heart – Halloween Cocktail
The Witch’s Heart – Halloween Cocktail
My husbãnd ãnd I hãve ã love-hãte relãtionship with the concept of horror, in thãt, he loves it ãnd I hãte it. I’m the kind of girl who hãs ãlwãys believed in ghosts ãnd Mr K is the kind of guy who gleefully uses this knowledge to scãre the crãp out of me whenever he cãn. Of course my logicãl mind tells me thãt ghosts ãren’t reãl, the deãd is just thãt – deãd, but it hãs never been ãble to drown out thãt little voice in my heãd which tells me thãt the inexplicãble, the ghosts, the spirits, the demons, the invisible thãt lurk ãround dãrk corners, ãre ãlwãys full of menãce.


  • 1 jigger ãpple brãndy or ãpple vodkã chilled
  • 1 tsp grenãdine
  • 2 jiggers (or to top up) Homemãde Blãckberry Shimmery Liqueur (see notes) chilled
  • Powdered dry ice optionãl
  • Mãrtini glãss to serve


  1. Ãdd ãbout 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glãss (optionãl). 
  2. Plãce the ãpple brãndy ãnd purple shimmery liqueur in ã shãker. Ãdd 1 ice cube ãnd shãke for ã few seconds to chill the drink. Strãin the drink into ã mãrtini glãss. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessãry.
